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    hormone substantiv

    (med.) hormon.

     Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

    Addison disease happens if the adrenal glands don't make enough of these hormones.

    (Addison Disease, NIH: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases)

    A corticosteroid hormone replacement.

    (Methylprednisolone, NCI Dictionary)

    In animals, P450 enzymes metabolize drugs, make steroid hormones, and defend against pollutants, says biologist John Stegeman, senior author of the paper and director of the Woods Hole Center for Oceans and Human Health.

    (Surprising enzymes discovered in giant ocean viruses, National Science Foundation)

    The placenta transports nutrients and oxygen from mother to fetus, secretes signalling factors into the mother so she supports fetal development, and is the main protective barrier for the fetus against toxins, bacteria, and hormones - such as stress hormones - in the mother’s blood.

    (Placenta changes could mean male offspring of older mums more likely to develop heart problems in later life, University of Cambridge)

    After following 10,273 women for an average of nine years. researches determined that for 83.3 percent of those on hormone therapy alone the original cancer did not return and they did not develop cancer elsewhere in their bodies.

    (Study: Many Breast Cancer Patients Can Skip Chemo, VOA)

    Exercise affected key signalling pathways – the ways that molecules and cells within tissue communicate – involved in responding to insulin (the hormone that stimulates glucose uptake by white adipose tissue and skeletal muscle), in storage and breakdown of lipids (fats found in the blood and tissue) and in growth and the synthesis of proteins.

    (Exercise in pregnancy improves health of obese mothers by restoring their tissues, University of Cambridge)