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    tori plural de la torus.

     Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

    Vertical tori are 3D-printed upright and are dipped in nickel and platinum.

    (Tiny swimming 'doughnuts' deliver the biomedical goods, National Science Foundation)

    Horizontal tori are printed flat on a supporting glass slide, then glazed with nickel and platinum.

    (Tiny swimming 'doughnuts' deliver the biomedical goods, National Science Foundation)

    The microscopic, 3D-printed, doughnut-shaped tori are coated with nickel and platinum and bridge the gap between biological and synthetic swimmers.

    (Tiny swimming 'doughnuts' deliver the biomedical goods, National Science Foundation)

    But it's difficult to harness these microorganisms' abilities for biomedical purposes, so researchers are now manufacturing artificial microswimmers called tori that would fit the bill.

    (Tiny swimming 'doughnuts' deliver the biomedical goods, National Science Foundation)